Healthy Mind And Body

The effects of stress

Stress can have a profound effect on the digestive system, complaints such as indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and stomach ulcers are well known.

Stress affects blood sugar levels, leading to tiredness and cravings for stimulants such as coffee, tea, alcohol and sugary foods which only in fact offer a temporary energy boost, or fix.

These stimulants can have destructive results in the long term adding to your body@s stress.

How to protect yourself against stress

You can help protect yourself by eating food that is rich in zinc, essential fats and anti-oxidants. These help give the body what it needs to repair damaged tissue and keep blood flow healthy.

Maintaining good blood sugar levels improves the balance of brain chemicals such as serotonin (a natural anti-depressant) helping you to feel better emotionally and improve your skin, hair and nails.

Eating healthily

We cannot avoid all stress but we can deflect some of the worst effects by eating healthily. Over processed food lacks many vital nutrients needed to help us deal with the effects of stress.

Anti-oxidants (these can help prevent degenerative disease such as cancer and heart disease), are very important, as are phyto- (plant) chemicals which give fruit and vegetables their natural colour.

For health and vitality it is important to focus on eating fresh wholefoods at every opportunity.


An indication of how much impact “addictive” foods or stimulants can have is, what happens to the body when they are withdrawn. Headaches can be common when giving up caffeine and some can lead to symptoms of bad breath and spots.

Caffeine can over stimulate the adrenaline glands.

Alcohol also affects the adrenaline glands and excessive intact depletes many vitamins and minerals.

Sugar in excess impairs the adrenal glands and suppresses the immune system.

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